关于「 Crypto」的内容列表

Trump Media Technology Group (DJT. O), which launched an ETF in partnership with Crypto.com, rose 9.6 percent in premarket trading.

Trump Media Technology Group (DJT. O), which launched an ETF in partnership with Crypto.com, rose 9.6 percent in premarket trading.

2025-03-25 08:03:15


2025-03-25 08:03:15
ZachXBT questioned Crypto.com reissued and destroyed CRO, saying that its behavior is similar to fraud

ZachXBT, a detective on the chain, published an article saying that the Crypto.com team recently re-issued 70 billion CRO tokens that it had promised to "permanently destroy" in 2021, accounting for 70% of the total supply. This move seriously violated the community consensus, because the team controlled most of the tokens in circulation. ZachXBT criticized the behavior as being similar to fraud and questioned why Truth still chose to cooperate with it instead of other platforms such as Coinbase...

2025-03-25 05:13:35


2025-03-25 05:13:35
特朗普媒体科技集团拟与 Crypto.com 合作推出一系列 ETF 产品

3月25日消息,特朗普媒体科技集团宣布与加密货币交易所 Crypto.com 达成一项非约束性协议,将合作推出一系列交易所交易基金和相关产品,这些 ETF 预计将包括数字资产以及以美国制造为重点的证券,涉及能源等不同行业,计划于今年晚些时候推出,但需获得监管机构的批准。

2025-03-25 04:37:07
Trump Media to Team Up With Crypto.com In ETF Push
Trump Media to Team Up With Crypto.com In ETF Push

Trump's media empire wants to offer exchange-traded funds, which have become increasingly popular, particularly those focused on cryptocurrencies.

2025-03-24 21:46:04
Trump Media Group to launch ETF in partnership with Crypto.com

Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) announced that it has reached an initial cooperation intention with crypto trading platform Crypto.com, and plans to jointly launch a series of ETFs and related products through its fintech brand Truth.Fi, which is expected to be officially launched in 2025, subject to the signing of a final agreement and regulatory approval. The new fund will be supported by the Crypto.com and will cover cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Cronos, as well as securities ass...

2025-03-24 21:38:44

特朗普媒体与科技集团(TMTG)宣布,已与加密交易平台 Crypto.com 达成初步合作意向,计划通过旗下金融科技品牌 Truth.Fi 联合推出一系列 ETF 和相关产品,预计将于 2025 年正式推出,尚需签署最终协议及监管批准。 新基金将由 Crypto.com 提供技术支持与加密资产托管,涵盖比特币、Cronos 等加密货币,同时也将包括‘美国制造’主题相关的证券资产,覆盖能源等多个行业。TM...

2025-03-24 21:38:44
The plan to build a crypto mining farm in Mogilev, Belarus has received presidential support

On March 22, Cointelegraph reported that in Belarus, the Mogilev region has started preparing sites for the construction of cryptocurrency mining farms, an initiative supported by President Alexander Lukashenko. Previously, it was reported that Belarus was considering using excess electricity for bitcoin mining following the Trump Reserve Plan.

2025-03-22 03:45:20
A16z crypto general counsel: SEC's current regulatory approach is not working

The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) recently hosted its first Crypto Working Group Roundtable at its Washington headquarters to discuss what has long been a central question - what makes an asset a security. The meeting marks a significant change in the SEC's approach to regulating the cryptocurrency industry, with what some crypto advocates have dubbed "regulation by law enforcement" likely to be coming to an end. A16z crypto general counsel Miles Jennings said...

2025-03-21 21:34:31
a16z crypto总法律顾问:SEC当前的监管方式并不奏效

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)近日在其华盛顿总部举办了首届加密工作组圆桌会议,讨论了长期以来的核心问题——什么使某种资产成为证券。此次会议标志着 SEC 对加密货币行业的监管方式发生了显著变化,此前多年被一些加密倡导者称为“通过执法进行监管”的模式可能即将结束。 a16z crypto 总法律顾问 Miles Jennings 表示...

2025-03-21 21:34:31
Crypto Transactions Link Chinese Fentanyl Suppliers to Mexican Cartels: Chainalysis
Crypto Transactions Link Chinese Fentanyl Suppliers to Mexican Cartels: Chainalysis

On-chain evidence has tied Chinese labs to Mexican drug distributors, along with the seizure of roughly $5.5 million in crypto.

2025-03-20 01:32:17
Miles Jennings to succeed Brian Quintenz as head of crypto policy at a16z

Chris Dixon, managing partner of a16z crypto, announced on the X platform that Miles Jennings, the agency's former general counsel, will replace Brian Quintenz as head of a16z crypto policy. Previously, it was reported that Trump plans to appoint Brian Quintenz as chairperson of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

2025-03-18 17:00:10
Miles Jennings将接替Brian Quintenz担任a16z crypto政策主管

a16z crypto 管理合伙人 Chris Dixon 在 X 平台发文宣布,该机构原总法律顾问 Miles Jennings 将接替 Brian Quintenz 担任 a16z crypto 政策主管。 此前消息,特朗普计划任命 Brian Quintenz 担任美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)主席。

2025-03-18 17:00:10
Workflow protocol developer Halliday completes $20 million Series A financing, led by a16z crypto

According to TheBlock, workflow protocol developer Halliday completed a $20 million Series A financing round, led by a16zcrypto. Avalanche BlizzardFund, Credibly Neutral, AltLayer and other angel investors participated.

2025-03-18 13:09:24

7x24 快讯

12:54 2025-03-25
eToro提交IPO申请,得益于加密货币推动2024年收入激增,该公司拟按45亿美元的估值筹集3-4亿美元。数据显示,2024 年eToro的总收入飙升至126亿美元,其中96%来自加密货币交易。根据最近提交的F-1表格数据,2024年eToro的净收入也从2023年的1530万美元跃升至1.92亿美元。据悉,eToro申请的上市代码为“ETOR”。
12:48 2025-03-25
12:36 2025-03-25
Binance将上线PARTI 1-75倍U本位永续合约
Binance 理财、一键买币、闪兑、杠杆、合约将上线 Particle Network(PARTI),Binance 将于 2025 年 3 月 25 日 21:00 上线 PARTI 1-75 倍 U 本位永续合约。
12:36 2025-03-25
GMX 澄清:GMX 智能合约未受影响,问题仅与 Abracadabra/Spell 的资金池有关
3月25日消息,GMX 官方发文表示,安全研究机构 PeckShield 等区块链安全专家发现 Abracadabra/Spell 使用 GM 代币的资金池(cauldrons)出现漏洞被利用。 GMX 方面明确表示,GMX 智能合约未受影响,运行正常,问题仅与 Abracadabra/Spell 的资金池相关。这些资金池允许用户以特定 GM 流动性代币作为抵押进行借贷。目前,Spell、GMX 团队及安全研究人员正在调查问题原因。
12:24 2025-03-25
Aptos 生态流动性质押协议 Amnis Finance 宣布,已上线空投查询页面。
12:06 2025-03-25
PeckShield:GMX 与 MIM Spell 安全事件损失扩大至 1300 万美元
PeckShield 发布最新数据,显示 GMX 和 MIM Spell 安全漏洞事件的损失金额已经增至约 6260 ETH,按当前市场价格计算约合 1300 万美元。
11:48 2025-03-25
PeckShield:GMX 和 MIM 相关合约已被黑客入侵,损失约 650 万美元
据 PeckShield 监测,GMX 和@MIM_Spell 相关合约已被黑客入侵,损失约 3260 ETH(价值约 650 万美元)。
11:29 2025-03-25
Particle Network:空投领取即将开放,40% 代币将用于社区增长
Particle Network 在 X 平台发文称,PARTI 代币空投领取即将开放,代币固定供应量为 1,000,000,000 枚,初始流通量为 2.33 亿枚,此次空投将占代币总供应量的 9%。 代币经济学主要内容为:团队和顾问(12.11 %)、私人销售(24.39 %)、KOL 轮(1.50 %)、流动性(5 %)、社区增长(40 %)、IDO (5 %)、币安钱包空投(1%)、币安 HODLer 空投(6%)、储备(5 %)。
11:23 2025-03-25
BNB Chain:链上转账需求较大导致部分用户出现卡顿
BNB Chain 在 X 平台发文称,由于当前转帐需求上升,我们正经历区块满载的情况,这可能导致部分用户的交易出现卡顿。BscScan 的区块显示稍有延迟——若需查看更精确的区块状态,建议使用 BscTrace,技术团队正在密切监控此情况,并将视需要提供最新进展。
11:14 2025-03-25
Binance Alpha已上线PARTI
官方页面显示,Binance Alpha 已上线 PARTI。
11:14 2025-03-25
11:08 2025-03-25
Binance Wallet PARTI TGE已完成,筹集326963枚BNB
3月25日消息,Binance Wallet 今日与 PancakeSwap 合作为 ParticleNetwork(PARTI)举办独家代币生成活动已完成,共募集 326963 枚 BNB,超募约 163 倍。